The Marketing Rule of 7- Barriers, Psychology, and Strategy

What is the marketing rule of 7?

Rule of 7 Marketing

The marketing rule of seven says that take an average of seven interactions of your brand before a purchase takes place. Who would make a purchase of a high price from an unknown brand? We would definitely do some research and get to know the brand before making such a purchase. We decide to purchase when we have confidence in the brand, and we know that the price will be fair, the quality would be good, and the rest of the things.

Seven Barriers to Your Marketing


     Awareness carries repetition. Your audience must know that you exist, and only putting the brand name out in public is not going to work. It is just now enough. So, it would be best if you kept on repeating it to break through the audience’s subconscious.


     It is not necessary that your audience needs what you are providing them right now. And that is okay. By then, you will have to keep working on skipping the awareness barrier.


       Now, when the audience knows that you exist and you have something that can resolve their problem, but still, they are not sure if they should trust you or not. That happens because numerous marketing messages are entirely false, and even if you are not like that, the audience does not know that yet. You will have to prove to the audience that your brand is trustworthy. This is where the building of a relationship between the brand and the audience begins. The moment you earn the audience’s trust, you are ready to move on to the next level.


     The audience is always a little more concerned when it comes to the price, and it is okay. The moment you will show the values you offer for your products; this barrier will go away.


    Now that your audience knows you, trusts you, and knows that you are offering the correct value, they might start planning to work for your values to fit into their budgets. This process will take longer if your prices are higher. For most of the audience, if your product ranges more than $50, it is not worth buying just right away. Learn to wait a little more, but keep maintaining the relationship with your audience.


      It depends on how much competition you have in the market with other brands or how much variety of offers you are offering. The audience might take some extra time to choose the ideal business person.


      Your audience will attract to you if you are an extremely busy person and have a mile-long To-Do list to complete. So, when the audience has the planning to purchase your stuff, they might forget that.

What is the psychology behind it?

What happens when we support repeated interactions?

  • People can be easily distracted and can forget things very quickly. Therefore, repetition helps recall, whether it is learning a few notes or learning a new language. It will be the same with your brand too. Your brand will remain in front of the audience’s mind.
  • It creates awareness among the multiple decision-makers. It is rare in
  • B2B for only one person to be involved when it comes to making decisions. It would be best if you put effort into making sure that you are attractive and visible enough to make all the decision-makers.
  • You will be handling a lot of objections with time. There might be a lot of reasons for the viewers not to do business with you. Therefore, by supporting various interactions, you can discuss the objections through the blog content or case studies.
  • It makes the conversations of sales a lot easier. Every salesperson will tell you that a sale conversation is way too manageable when the viewers hear things about your brand. Your sales conversions might boost when you would become the better version known in your target market.
  • It will help you to be seen for a very long time. There is a slow time-to purchase in B2B. It is a marketing strategy that encourages the rule of seven. This implies that you can maintain your visibility for a longer time.

All the digital marketing and social media use keen strategies to attract customers and engage them at each stage while making the purchase. It includes both those who have already made a purchase and those who are not in-market.

Old-school promoting messages do not have the motivation to associate.

Without importance, messages are lost in the uproar of substance in your clients’ lives.  

Socially sagacious organizations distribute showcasing messages that come as a valuable substance that charms their target group. These messages recount stories that make an enthusiastic association, and the narrators make passionate associations. You can’t make an active association with interruptive publicizing. If you can tell anecdotes about what it resembles to work with you by enrolling your cheerful, faithful representatives and clients simultaneously. You’ll be well en route to making significant associations and “contacting” that prospect multiple times.


     Marketing helps prepare your brand to manage the rule of seven, and eventually, it will become necessary for the survival of your business as you will have to sell the services or the products of your brands. The rule of seven states that the customer does not always purchase generally when exposed to the brand first. But when you know your market’s requirements, it will be easier for you to reach out to them. That increases the chances of making a sale.